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Interesting Water Facts
Water Trivia Facts
Water is the only substance found on earth naturally in three forms.
True (Solid, liquid and gas)
Does water regulate the earth’s temperature?
Yes (it is a natural insulator)
At what temperature does water freeze?
32 degrees F, 0 degrees C
At what temperature does water vaporize?
212 degrees F, 100 degrees C
How long can a person live without food?
More than a month
How long can a person live without water?
Approximately one week, depending upon conditions.
How much of the human body is water?
How much of the earth’s surface is water?
How much water must a person consume per day to maintain health?
2.5 quarts from all sources (i.e. water, food)
Of all the earth’s water, how much is ocean or seas?
How much of the world’s water is frozen and therefore unusable?
How much of the earth’s water is suitable for drinking water?
Is it possible for me to drink water that was part of the dinosaur era?
Yes - water is constantly recycled.
What is the most common substance found on earth?
How much water does the average residence use during a year?
Over 100,000 gallons (indoors and outside)
How much water does an individual use daily?
Over 100 gallons (all uses)
What does a person pay for water on a daily basis?
National average is 25 cents.
How many community public water systems are there in the United States?
How much water do these utilities process daily?
38 billion gallons
What does it cost to operate the water systems throughout the country annually?
Over $3.5 billion
How many miles of pipeline and aqueducts are in the United States and Canada?
Approximately one million miles, or enough to circle the earth 40 times
What were the first water pipes made from in the US?
Fire charred bored logs
Where was the first municipal water filtration works opened and when?
Paisley, Scotland in 1832
Of the nation’s community water supplies, what percentage are investor-owned?
15 %
How many households use private wells for their water supply?
More than 13 million
How much water is used to flush a toilet?
2-7 gallons
How much water is used in the average five-minute shower?
15-25 gallons
How much water is used on the average for an automatic dishwasher?
9-12 gallons
On the average, how much is used to hand wash dishes?
9-20 gallons
How much does one gallon of water weigh?
8.34 pounds
What is the weight of water in one cubic foot?
62.4 pounds
How much water drops with an inch of rain?
One inch of inch of rainfall drops 7,000 gallons
How much water does it take to process a quarter pound of hamburger?
Approximately one gallon
How much water does it take to produce one ton of steel?
62,600 gallons
How much water is used to produce a single day’s supply of U.S. newsprint?
300 million gallons
What is the total amount of water used to manufacture a new car, including new tires?
39,090 gallons per car
How much water must a dairy cow drink to produce one gallon of milk?
Four gallons
How much water is used during the growing/production of a chicken?
400 gallons
How much water is used during the growing/production of almonds?
12 gallons
How much water is used during the growing/production of french fries?
6 gallons
How much water is used during the growing/production of a single orange?
13.8 gallons
How much water is used during the growing/production of a watermelon?
100 gallons
How much water is used during the growing/production of a loaf of bread?
150 gallons
How much water is used during the growing/production of a tomato?
3 gallons
How much water is used during the growing/production of rice?
35 gallons
How much water us used during the production of an egg?
120 gallons
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